heavy vehicle inspectionS
A heavy vehicle is defined as a motor vehicle or trailer that has a Gross Vehicle Mass greater than 4.5 tonnes. There are specific registration requirements for heavy vehicles in NSW.
Heavy vehicle inspections are required for:
- Establishing registration for vehicles not currently registered in NSW
- Renewing registration
- Adjusting vehicle records
- Clearing Defect Notices.
Preparing your vehicle for inspection
As a heavy vehicle operator, you should make sure that your heavy vehicle is well maintained and roadworthy at all times.
The following points are a guide to preparing for an inspection:
- The person driving the vehicle to the inspection must have the correct licence to drive that particular type of vehicle
- All brakes must operate correctly and be free of leaks. Ensure air reservoirs are drained and the drain valves can be readily operated
- Tyres should have at least 1.5mm of tread and must be free of deep cuts
- Steering and suspension components must be in good condition. Check for worn bushes, bearings and joints
- All required lights must operate
- The portion of the windscreen directly in front of the driver should be free from cracks and scratches that impair vision
- Windscreen wipers and washers must operate
- The body and cab must be securely mounted, and the structure of the vehicle must be in good condition
- The exhaust must be secure and free from leaks
- The vehicle should be unladen at the time of inspection
- The vehicle must be clean, especially underneath, so that the examiner can thoroughly inspect it
- With tilt-cab vehicles, make sure that the cab can be tilted for inspection of the engine bay (any loose items should be secured)
- Accredited public passenger vehicles must have a certified fire extinguisher installed in the vehicle.
To inquire about your heavy vehicle inspection or defect clearance please contact us on 02 9833 3206.
(02) 9833 3206

16-18 Hall St, St Marys 2760

Full Service Auto Shop
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